I stink at making coffee

Also apparently at typing. The first time i typed coffee it came out soddee. I don't know.
I'm going to be up all night so i make some coffee, which i hate, but this is definitely not strong enough. And the first sip i had i swolled wrong and almost sip it out all over our new laptop. I don't think my dad would have been to happy about that. I have to write a 5 page paper about global warming so i went to youtube and typed in study music and now I'm listening to Norah Jones. :D ha ha. This is so pointless, me telling you this but i need to keep myself awake long enough for this crappy coffee to kick in or i will fall asleep.

Also, did you even realize how many people on sites like myspace pretend to be famous people? I just added like 7 Miley Cyrus (THE 7 THINGS I DONT LIKE ABOUT YOUUUUU!) and they all say they are the one and only. I just really don't get the point. Plus they all do it really badly. Like really, why would the real miley have pictures of herself that the paparazzi clearly took. Also one of the fakes had pictures with like site names still on them its like jeez i really don't think your fooling anyone anyway. It really wouldn't be that hard to seem real. All those people must be like 9. No offense to 9 year olds. They're pretty cool.

Im doing so many things i hate right now.
drinking coffee
posting a pointless journal
telling you its a pointless journal, so you know that i know but i still post it anyways.
so yeah.
so have a good night!
February 18th, 2009 at 06:19am