Freshman mono outbreak

Just perfect! What a great time to get sick! Apparently, most of the freshmen basketball team is infected with mono, and they've decided to pass it on to the rest of the poor freshmen. I might be one of those poor freshmen.

I hate getting sick. Today my nose was all stuffy and my throat has that dry, achy feeling that you get just before you get seriously sick. Yuck! I'm really hoping it's not mono. I have no plans to be sick for a month. I'm already tired enough as it is! What really sucks butt is that a lot of the kids with mono are in my world history class. Can you say hand sanitzer hayday?!?! Haha...

There is some good news though. All WASL testing stops after this year! That basically means I don't have to take some lame standardized test that every kid in the state take every other year or so. I'm done! And I was worried that I'd forget all of what I learned.

Crow your fingers that I'll survive The Great Freshman Mono Outbreak of 2009! But if I do get sick, atleast I could stay home and maybe start a relaunch of my story which I've been meaning to get to.
February 18th, 2009 at 07:59am