How do you know your heart is even ready?

A conversation between a guy and a girl goes like this..

Girl: Well then how do i know you?

Guy:Im the same guy who would do anything for you. the guy who accidentally missed that first kiss. the guy that would stay up all night just to be with still that guy..

Girl: Well i miss that guy

Guy: well tonight he's all yours..

Girl: just tonight. and then he takes off to find the next best every other guy before him

Guy: thats where you're wrong..ill stick around until we know we cant be together..

Girl: and thats my biggest fear of all

Guy:but at least we can come to an agreement that we cant go on. not oh. well. i dont like u any more. it would be a mutual thing..

When you go through heart of the first things you run towards is moving on. Which just so happens to be one of the utmost impossible ideas ever created. But if you stay away from moving on with another person, and stay alone long enough..your heart becomes tender and lonely. It makes it incredibly hard to open up to someone new..even if they may have been there all along. But the only way to find out, is to throw new things at your heart, so see what you can manage...

It's like someone has just popped up out of nowhere. It could be your practical best friend, and you didn't even know half of the things you've discovered within like the last two weeks..or even the passed few hours. It's so incredibly hard to open up to one person. Especially when you've only had one person before that you gave your all to.

It's not a matter of what's wrong and right. It's a matter of what you have to do to make yourself happy. For once, i'm not going to worry about everyone else. I'm going to to what I need in order to make myself satisfied. YOU FIRST!!

You don't have to pick one person to settle down with when you're only in high school! It's all like a giant search to find the one that is right. Love is so overrated that at this point in life, divorced is the new engaged. You have to take what you have and be happy with it. And if you're truly not happy, then go out at find that happiness!

My heart has been wounded X-number of times, and it's nearly sickening. But i'm willing to take the risk a million and one more times until i find that one right person. Even if your heart isn't ready, no one likes to be alone. Everyone deserves to have someone. And that someone should be someone that makes you happy. Inside and out. They should be your best friend. They have to be someone you trust. because without trust, there is no love. I've learned that in great depth.

You can't always learn from other people's mistakes, so you have to make some on your own. In the end, you'll probably end up looking back on that guy who would do anything for you..the one who accidentally missed that first kiss, the one that would stay up all night just to be with you..and you'll wish you had cherished those moments better. You can't go back in time, but you can start fresh, and fight for what is best.
February 19th, 2009 at 02:12am