We All LIved Happily Ever After (gay marriage essay)


When I was still too young to understand much about the world, I thought that everyone would eventually live happy lives (like in fairy tales). I knew that every American citizen, as well as everyone else in the world, could love whoever they wanted. I believed that everyone would have equal rights and would not be discriminated. Every person deserves to be happy and live their lives being themselves. Same-sex marriage is one controversial issue that we are all still debating about. Three problems that interfere with gay marriage are religion (marriage is believed to be sacred), the reasons why gay couples want to get married, and whether or not it is a threat to traditional marriage.

The most common argument against gay marriage is that it is against God and The Bible (religion). I personally believe that if God does exist, He wouldn’t have so much hate toward the creatures He created. There is also no reason for people to mix the church’s beliefs with the state laws. The states and church have been separate for some time now, and I am surprised that they would change that for an issue that could be resolved if people would just lighten up and accept the fact that people want to get married and increase the peace. In my opinion, no one should be denied their rights just because the leader of a church says that he and a bunch of other people believe that God said that same-sex marriage is wrong and He would punish their souls (or something relatively close to that). I did a survey on the thirty-five students in my language arts class, and nineteen supported gay marriage, while a very close fifteen people were against it (one was undecided). This shows that even though most of the students in our school are religious, some still believe that everyone is entitled to their own rights. People just want to get married and be happy already. I hope that someday, everyone would just leave religion out of everything.

Another reason against gay marriage is that some people think that the only reason gay couples want to get married is to show off that they are a legal couple (perhaps to rub in that they just went against what was known to be religious, right, and moral). I, on the other hand, believe that gay couples just want the same rights as everyone else and are not getting married for the sole purpose of rubbing in their personal lives with others around them. Some gay couples might even want to start their own families after they get marriage by adopting a child. Unfortunately, some states ban adopting for gay couples, which I believe is beyond discriminatory. Having children after marriage is very traditional and natural for every couple, including homosexuals.

One last argument on same-sex marriage is that it is a threat to traditional marriage. Some people say that gay marriage destroys the original format of a man (male) and a woman (female) joining together. Others believe that to keep traditional marriage pure and sacred, the government would need to pass a law to ban gay marriage. Some younger people even think that marriage between two people of the same gender is simply disgusting and wrong. However, I think that gay marriage would not break the traditional form of marriage. Gay marriage would not really change anything since no one is really getting hurt when two guys, or girls, kiss and say, “I do.” In reality, divorce has been hurting people and breaking traditional marriage more than gay marriage has and ever will. If only one law could be passed that deals with religion and rights that are moral, I believe that divorce should be banned, not gay marriage.

To sum up everything, the problems regarding same-sex marriage are just phases our country is going through, just as interracial marriage was an issue. After all the racial problems the happened in our society, people decided that interracial marriage was just like every other marriage and is now widely accepted and very common. Every person just wants to happily live their lives with a significant other, despite their sexual orientation, gender, race, physical disabilities, or anything else that would seem different. Just think about how you would feel if someone denied your own right to get married to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with; the person you want to have children with; the person who will always be there for you; and hopefully you will realize that everything in this world is bound to be normal.
February 19th, 2009 at 02:49am