Two Years...

Happy Mibbaversary
Happy Mibbaversary
Happy Mibbaversary
Happy Mibbaversary-!

So, if you couldn't guess, it's February 19th! And this means a lot of things. It's five days after Valentines Day. It's a National Holiday in some other country (most likely). It's the day my story contest ends.

It's also my mibbaversary.

Now, how long have I been here. A week? Six months? A Year? Well, my friends, the answer is; no. I've been her for []btwo years today. Two years. That means I've been here since almost the beginning.

I'm old.

So, what does all of this mean? Why am I telling you this? Well, my friends, because I simply feel the need to. You guys have all been a huge part of my life, and I just wanted to say: Thanks for an amazing two good years.

It's weird, because not a lot of mibba has changed. It's been a year now, and still, mibba remains the same. At least to me anyway. Maybe the whole "new mibba" thing was just a concept. I mean, the site is new to people every day. So, to noobs, mibba is, technically, "The New Mibba".

Okay, now I'm getting into that psychological mind set again and it's probably confusing a few of you. Reverse psychology should not be coming out of a fifteen year-old's mouth...

Now, you're probably wondering what my plans are.

Being that I'm off this week from school, I'm free to do what I please. Now, the last two years consisted of nothing. Nothing. My two closest friends are usually gone from the area around this time. When I signed up, one was in Arizona, the other in Mexico on a cruise. Last year, one was hospitalized, and the other was in the south.

Now, one is here, and the other is a way. This is a first.

Usually, my day consisted for self loathing with a hint of sugar intake. Maybe a call at the end of the day to somebody trying to make plans, and maybe a dinner of take out with my parents.

I've decided I'm going to change this year.

I'm gonna make plans. It's time I start to get my social life together a little more. I have friends I've never hung out with that are leaving for college next year. Being I might never see them after they leave, I need to take advantage of time like this. Especially since most of my friends live out of town.

I don't plan on leaving mibba any time soon, but I don't plan on being on 24/7 like I used to. I will continue my stories, but you guys have to start reading them. I'd love some feedback so I can know if it's worth taking to an editor or not.

Well, I hope you guys have a good rest of the day, and I hope to talk to some of you soon.

Love Always, Sakura
February 19th, 2009 at 05:31pm