I am so sick and tired of everything! I HATE Stephan! He's a mean, arrogant and selfish bastard that is stealing my best friend. Every time we fight, it feels like Rencia is picking his side, even though she and I had been friends for longer and we're best friends. When I discussed this with some of my other friends, they all suggested that maybe she was in love with him - but I had asked her directly and she had said that he's like a brother to her. Yesterday I told her exactly what I thought of him, and that the only reason I am still friends with him is because I'm too scared that if I drop him, she'll go with him. And then she said that she wasn't going to pick, but was going to drop the both of us and find herself completely new friends. Which I know she won't do. I KNOW she's going to stay friends with him, and I hate him even more for that. And to top it all off, I didn't even want to be friends with him to start with! I hate everything about him - I hate it that he thinks he's so much better than everyone else, that he judges people or call them ugly and mean names, that he's mean to people that are overweight or has a physical or mental disability, that he's always hurting us physically - trying to trip us, etc. - that he acts as if we're so stupid and he's so much smarter than us, that he's mean to my kid sister. It irritates me that he's always drinking OUR cooldrink and never brings his own, that he swears the whole time and tells disgusting jokes and makes disgusting comments. I wish I had known for certain that Rencia would pick me over him, then I would have kicked him out of my life before he could blink. But I don't know that for sure. I'm much more loyal than he could ever be - friends don't call each other mean names or is mean to your siblings, nor do they hurt you continiously. I have always been there for her, I share EVERYTHING with her, we have everything in common. The only thing they have in common is some of their music tastes - and his music taste is awful. He demands that he copies our homework, or do it FOR him, when he's supposed to do it himself. He makes mean comments about the guys we like. He TOLD me I was going with him to the matric farewell. He constantly complains about the lunch his mom packs for him. I don't need this kind of stuff in my life! I WANT TO GET RID OFF HIM!!!!!!! I don't want to lose Rencia's friendship, but I don't want to be friends with him. And another thing that makes me so mad I can just spit is the fact that he makes rude comments about or other friends, but the moment we say something about his friends, he's rude to us. He's been a total ass to me since the beginning of the year, and told me to my face that I "irritate the living crap out of him". If all of this isn't enough reason to hate him, then I don't know what is.
February 19th, 2009 at 09:00pm