It's supposed to be an original play based on Oedipus it's due tomorrow. Please tell me if it's good or bad.

Setting: Buffalo, New York


Rick James
Momma James
Old Man

Ode 1, Scene 1

Forever it’s been told
It’s been written in the stars
That a boy named Rick James will go really far
(With his mother)
That’s right I said
(With his mother)
And his father’s dead
How did he die?
Well I’ll tell you how
It’s such a great story
it is sure to wow
(Your mother)

And how’d he get in
To an adult theme club
While sittin’ with his duckie
While he’s in the bathtub
He pulled a quickie
It’s really sickie
Making up rhymes is really tricky
Eh, here’s the story

Rick James: Mama I’ll be back! I got to go beat my-
Mamma James: Shut yo’ mouth
Rick James: I’m Rick James Bitch! (slams door and starts walking)

Time Lapse
(He comes upon a crossroads where there is an old man with a walker crossing the street)
Rick James: Hey, old man you better get up out my way!
Old Man: I’m tryin’ I’m just-
Rick James: I don’t want no excuse! Just get out my way before I cut you!
Old Man: Alright, I’ll just-.
Rick James: Too slow! Don’t you know who I am! I’m Rick James Bitch! It’s time to fight!
(Old man throws off old cloak and walker and pulls sword)
Old Man: Fight!
(‘Mortal Combat’ them music)
They struggle Old Man puts up a good fight, but in the end Rick James wins
Rick James: Just another day in the life of Rick James bitch… Hm. I’m hungry! Where’s my food?!
(Walks to a bar and sees a body guard standing in front of it)

Bodyguard: Hey, little man I can’t let you in here without some form of ID
Rick James: I’m Rick James Bitch!
Bodyguard: Listen, kid I like your spunk, so I’ll tell you what. If you can answer my riddle I’ll let you in.
Rick James: Ugh, if I have to
(The Price is Right theme music starts playing and the bodyguard is now wearing a shiny blue tuxedo)
Bodyguard: Come on down! Welcome to the show son. Now tell us. What’s your name?
Rick James: Rick James bitch!
Bodyguard: Aww! Now isn’t that just so cute! Let’s give him a hand
(Audience claps and awes)
Rick James: (looks scared) C-can I just go in?
Bodyguard: Of course not!
Now, answer me
My riddles three
And then we’ll see
How lucky you’ll be
Rick James: You said there was only one!
Bodyguard: Of course! Smart kid! Now, here it goes. Are you ready?
Rick James: Yes bitch I is hungry!
Bodyguard: Ok, here it is. What’s on four legs in the morning two in the evening and three at night?
Rick James: (Thinks) What if I don’t answer it?
Bodyguard: (Deomonically) Then I’ll slit your throat (Back to normal). So remember take your time.
(‘Jeopardy’ music starts playing)
Rick James: Is that really necessary?
Bodyguard: Yes, yes it is
Rick James: (Thinks really hard*constipated face*)
Bodyguard: Don’t hurt yourself kid
Rick James: What do you care? You were gonna kill me a second ago!
Bodyguard: You didn’t sign a consent form
Rick James: Ugh, alright.(mumbles) Four legs in the, two legs in, three… five divided by the numerator of the square root of the number of how old your mother is on the Tuesday of the year you died multiplied by the times I wet the bed last night plus the amount of pro-life abortions are given everyday subtracted by the National Deficit gives me X which means that Y is blah, blah, blah, which, when graphed on a man’s back on a Friday when the world is coming to an end gives me… A MAN!
Bodyguard: (Pulls back knife, but stops) Wait what did you say?
Rick James: A man?
(Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Music starts playing)
Bodyguard: Is that your final answer?
(Silence intensifies)
Rick James: Yes.
Bodyguard: Congratulations! You are now the proud winner of ‘Who Wants to Win? The Price is Jeopardy!’
(Back to normal bodyguard attire) Now get in kid before I change my mind.

When in doubt, graph it,
Mrs. Turner
February 20th, 2009 at 05:39am