The way life goes...

So the family trip is in 14 days! And i'm not doing so hot with my school work! Actually i'm 3 WEEEKS BEHIND! With school, work, and pre-trip shoppping i'm so going to need this vacation! I'm so stressed right now!!

But, I got my hair done yesterday! and it looks wonderful, I got highlights blonde ones and iI'm in love with it! The only difference is the colour really, i didn't want to cut it cause i'm trying to grow it out long, so she just trimed it.

Anyways back to the complaining!

I don't think i'm going on a cruise anymore so i'm bummed, because now i have no reason to go out and buy a bunch of nice formal looking clothes! which is reall bummer...
But no worrrys because i've decided that i'm going to buy nice formal looking clothes anyways! just not as much =) So it doesn't really matter! HA!

(lets see what mom says about that! =P)

I was thinking about writing a story... but i'm way to busy right now so it will have to wait.. so yea...

February 20th, 2009 at 05:52pm