
Not sure when I'll be putting out the next part of We Were Both Young...
I've been just, really busy with school and work. and ontop of that, I'm having trouble with my ex-boyfriend. Hard time getting over him when we have the same group of friends we sit at lunch. I miss him a lot, but it's my fault really. I jumped to conclusions and got pissed off. and seeing as I have a nasty Irish temper (and at that, mines more subdued, and harder to set off but when you do...D:) I broke up with him and told him we should take a break.

and now he doesn't wish to go back out.

It's hard, because... even though I know it's not going to last (I always look at high school relationships like that.), I felt normal for once with him. But then I had to sabotage it because, I'm a retard.

and then of course, I pretty much have sabotaged our friendship now too. I got pissed off at him because he told me, "well, I don't think I can manage a girlfriend right now, between work and school and other stuff," and then put on his myspace, "Looking for a "NEW" girlfriend." (I know, he's an asshole.) so I still had his colored pencils from when we were dating, and I broke the tips off. Not sure why his friends of all people got pissy about it, as he could just sharpen them.

that and they just threw them around afterwards. but I digress, I feel stupid now for doing it.

Either way, I'm gonna stop being a baby. I'm gonna get over him this weekend, and come Monday, I'll just....not talk to him. granted, we don't talk anymore ANYWAY, but it does mean I have to go sit somewhere else during lunch. Just looking at him gives me butterflies. that's the problem. I get over him, and then I see him again. it's annoying as hell.

anywaaay. as for the story, good stuff'll be coming up. happy stuff, haha. :)

thanks guys.

also, teenagers may say they hate drama, but secretly, we thrive on the stuff. :P
February 21st, 2009 at 06:14am