No Questions Asked ...

Because my best friend asked and I didn't feel like studying for midterms.

[1] List 10 celebrities you would have sex with, without even asking questions.
[2] Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them[10 - 1, 1 is the hottest].
[3] Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.
[4] Supply photos for said people.

So first off I have two Honorable Mentions. Both are amazing but they just didn't quite make the grade.

The first is Travis Clark, lead singer and guitar player for the Florida based band We The Kings. He's a gorgeous red-head and an all around silly dude. Not to mention he has a lip piercing AND tattoos.

The second, and final, Honorable Mention is the leading singer and writer of Las Vegas based band The Cab. His name is Alex DeLeon, also known as Singer and his buttery smooth Disney voice, great hair, piercing eyes and rock star good looks, he is a genuinely nice guy. He's jusst shy of the list but he still melts my heart.
[Picture compliments of my friend Mandi (TheLondonlush)]

Okay so coming up at number TEN is the amazing and talented Jake Gyllenhall. I think I have loved him since I was in the fifth or sixth grade and I saw October Sky. He was so geeky and adorable and now he's only a million times hotter ...and he's still uber talented.

At number NINE it's singer/songwriter/guitar player for Dashboard Confessional, Chris Carrabba. He was my first emo signing, acoustic guitar playing love. I discovered him and DC when I was thirteen and I never once looked back. He is one of the reasons I started songwriting when I was younger.

Number EIGHT is the sad and talented Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes. Like Carrabba, Oberst was one of my first loves and introductions into songwriting and "emo" music. Also, like Carrabba, Oberst was one of the reasons I picked up a pen. I thought that if I would be half as good a writer as him I would be happy.

SEVEN is Canadian singing/songwriter Dallas Green of City and Colour AND Alexisonfire. While I was never an Alexisonfire fan because I don't like screaming in my music ...his side project City and Colour is amazing and he such a beautiful and honest songwriter. Not to mention I'm a sucker for facial hair, glasses and tattoos.

Just sort of top five, at number SIX I have the hyper amazing Johnny Depp. I feel in love with him when I saw Edward Scissorhands for the first time and only fell deeper when I saw Benny & Joon. He is all kinds of amazing and he plays music on the side. The fact that he's in a non-marital committed relationship and really loves his kids only makes him that much more good looking.

Coming right in the middle at number FIVE is John Mayer. Sure he's a douche bag but he's insanely talented and his music has been making me melt since I was thirteen. He is a great writer and when he plays his guitar you can see the emotions on his face, which is what I love most about him. I can forgive his shortcomings for a no questions asked situation.

At number FOUR is Canadian rocker Matthew Good. Not only is he good looking ...but he's a pretty brilliant song writer, an activist and writer. Not only does his music make me think and turn to mush all at once, but he wrote an amazing collection of stories and things what was published and genius. Also ...he really loves his fans which warms my heart. Also again with the guitar playing, facial hair and glasses thing.

Coming up at the end of the top is number THREE the wonderfully talented lead singer of The Academy Is... William Beckett. There is a number of things that make me love the amazing Billy Beckett. He's smart, loves his fans, shares his life with his fans through is blog which is rare in musicians these days, he seems like a genuinely nice person, he has great hair haha and he is a truly amazing song writer. Not to mention that combination of his face and his voice can literally melt hearts.

Coming in SECOND PLACE is everyone's third favourite good boy Kevin Jonas. Most people may love Joe and Nick more but I've got my heart set on PKJ2. Guitar player extraordinaire, sweet heart good boy he has GREAT hair and a good butt. Plus his face melts my heart.

AND FINALLY number ONE is the ever adorable lead singer of Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump. When I first heard FOB on the radio when I was something like fourteen, I thought to myself ...if it were humanly possible, I would marry that boys voice. Then I saw the Grand Theft Autumn video on T.V a few months later and I was convinced that he was the most adorable thing on the whole planet. Not only is good looking and a crazy talent singer, he's and insane guitar player, writer, producer ...need I go on? I've seen FOB twice and soon to be three times and each time he blows me away with his talent. I melt at the sight of him or the sound of his voice. I become a puddle of me. Oh yeah's the hats and glasses too.

*So who sees a pattern here? Sweaty, guitar playing band boys. A large chuck of them with tattoos or facial hair or glasses. Only Jake and Johnny don't make their living as a musician and even Johnny doesn't count because he makes music on his own. I think I'm in trouble friends ...

G'bye for now!
February 22nd, 2009 at 05:42am