Today I saw a man on a roof wearing a Speedo.

Swear to god. I was on a bus because trains weren't running on the Hurstbridge line and there was just this man in a small speedo standing on his roof, with his hands on his hips surveying the view like he was king of the jungle.

In other matters, I think one of my friends hates me.

We used to be really close, but in the past few months she's changed heaps. It's like everything I do she doesn't agree with, and she keeps giving me shit because I don't have a job yet. Well excuse me if no one wants to hire the girl with no experience. Plus now she's quitting smoking, and the fact that I am not is just another reason for her to express her disapproval of my actions. Like I care about my lungs.


I like the song Shake It Shake It by Thomas Tantrum. Yeahman.

February 22nd, 2009 at 10:09am