What I'm wondering is...

Okay, if you look at my profile, you can tell that I love to write. But, I have one problem:

No one comments.

I mean, if I'm doing horribly, then at least comment and tell me that! I mean, COME ON! I'm writing for a reason here! It can honestly get seriously annoying if your posting a story, knowing that no one is going to read it.

This does not apply to the people who have commented on my poems. Mostly, it's just my stories. Especially Robin Hoode and Chrysta: AS. Now I can understand about Ship's Eye, seeing as it's pretty new, but please, I'm begging you!


When you read something you like, TELL THE PERSON WHO WROTE IT!!

I'm seriously f*cking tired of waiting.

Thank you.
February 22nd, 2009 at 04:05pm