Want A One-Shot?

I feel like writing band slash one-shots, and I wondered if anyone would like me to write one for them? If you do then I would be very happy to do so. Just I want to write slash with guys from random bands. They don't have to be from bands, I guess. I can try them if they aren't. :DD

I am willing to try writing a femmeslash, but it might come up bad, but I'll try if you want.

Anyways if you want to then just fill this out:

Guy #1 & band they're from:
Guy #2 & band they're from:
One random item you want in it (example: tiara, cake, monkey):
Relationship between the two (dating, friends and like each other, only friends ect):

If you want me to write you one just leave a comment with all that, and I'll do my best to get one written as soon as I can for you.
February 23rd, 2009 at 12:30am