The Bright Eyes.

It's exploding bags, aerosol cans
Southbound buses, Peter Pan
They left it up to us again
I thought you knew the drill
It's kill or be killed

The Bright Eyes are too real, but song too good to be true. Emo? Your well- known style of emo, has killed the actual music. It pisses me off, as I'm listening to Conor Oberst spill his heart in soul into this music. The feeling of emotion is there, like he's there in the room with you singing his heart out as if he just wrote it and is playing it for the first time. His voice is really speaking from his heart. I just have been hanging on to Cassadaga by a thin string, judging weather or not this is a good album. But the truth is, the music is almost bluegrass, but too emo (emotional not your idiotic fashion) to be true.

Today has been pretty god, I lie there in the hot heat of Florida, on the beach. It was great, just to be a beach bum, and laugh at all the tourists with their weird ass clothing. I didn;t get a tan cause I'm weird like that. My Zune in hand I fell asleep. It was best day so far considering lately the stupid cold fronts have been killing me. People would laugh if they saw us Floridians in our big jackets for 50 degree weather. I was happy it was hot and humid today, I was starting to miss it.

Anyway, I posted new DA stuff. <a href=""target="blank"class="nav">Click Here for my DA.</a>

Piss Off,
February 23rd, 2009 at 01:30am