I'm New Here

I joined Mibba at a request from...a friend. She told me to join this website so that I could read her work, which I do. I created my account a couple of days ago and I've been attempting to fix up my profile page and get properly acquainted with the site.

It's nice.

I like the look of things and the people here seem nice enough, if not a bit over exuberant, but I haven't yet found anything I would be interested in reading. Now I have nothing against the Jonas Brothers, that friend would kill me if I did and because of her I've gotten more than accustomed to hearing their music, but I'd prefer not to read stories about them.

In fact, I'd rather not read any fan-fictions. No offense to anyone here (except that one person, I hope you are offended, Aud), but I'm not at all interested in some girl's band-fantasies. It's just not my thing.

I guess what I'm saying is this: can someone recommend some good writing that I can read - something that isn't fan-fiction and isn't all lovey dovey girl-crap (seriously, no offense)?


Also, thanks to all the people who left me welcoming comments. I tried to respond to everyone, but if I missed you, know that it wasn't intentional.
February 23rd, 2009 at 09:45pm