This Guy Has My Heart

So I have never had that much trouble when it comes to guys. They are just there. My best friends. I love hanging out with them because guys are so much fun. Then there are the ones that I like more than friends. I have been having boyfriends for years...Dang ever since I was just a little girl.
But there is this one guy that just gets under my skin. No matter what I do he is always there. In my heart. We have dated in the past. Nothing to serious.In the eighth, ninth and then just last month....We lasted 2 and a half months before he got scared. The thing is he tells me that he loves me still. And I have loved him since we were little....Its so hot and cold. Have you ever heard the song by Katie Perry? Well that's him. I get myspace messages saying that he knows we belong together and that we will be together in the end. I hate this though! He seems to be toying with me. And right now he has this girl that tells everyone that they are dating, but he swears that they aren't. I'm so hurt, because we are going to prom together, and he tells me repeatedly that she means nothing. But I want her out of the picture; no girl deserves to be toyed with. Its just not right. I told him that if he really had no feelings for her then to tell her because he is using her. That was last Monday, and he still hasnt done it.
In fact he is mad at me and telling me that he will....eventually. What is that? Am I in the wrong? Or am I just a big fool? Because I feel like one right now. No boy has ever toyed with me like this. I feel insecure and hopeless. There is no one that I can turn to because all of my friends are his as well...What am I to do? I love him so much that being apart hurts worse then sitting next to him and knowing that he is not mine.
February 24th, 2009 at 12:29am