There's some exciting stuff happening in my life right now!
First off, I'm currently painting a canvas for an art musem! I'm so excited!
I'm also sculpting a guitar out of broken beer bottles I find around the town. It's kind of a tradition, you'll see them lining the streets in memory of some of the greatest music artists ever known. It's one of the biggest honors EVER. Well, at least in my mind it is.
ALSO! I'm writing a screen play and I have an agent who has gotten people roles in movies like Push, How to Eat Fried Worms, Spy Kids, and a couple other movies that don't come to mind right now.
Now, I know I'm not an actress, nor will I ever be, but she knows some of the big directors and such. I also have a friend whos uncle has worked with Speven Spielberg, Antonio Banderas, Quinton Terrintino and several other directors. But that's all excess information.
SO! I emailed Steven Spielberg my idea for this moive. Mind you my screenplay is 92 pages long and has timing and music and all that spiffy stuff. He replied and asked me to fax it to him so he could read it over, becuase he liked my story line. (I'm not making this up)
SO! I faxed it to him about 2 days ago and am waiting for a reply back.
Of course, all I wrote was a hard copy, a rough draft, to put it in kindergarten terms.
Hopefully I should be getting a response back, and I've been talking to my agent, so who knows what could happen.
I'm really excited, but also pretty busy.
I'm at a new school. I got in a bit of trouble at my last school. I'm enjoying this school, it's actually a whole lot harder then the one before it, but good thing it's only temporary. I'll be switching schools again soon to a school that's for models and actors/actresses and such. Although I don't aspire to be any of those, the hours work well for me, if anything does happen with this screenplay.
If it doesn't I'm pretty okay with it, I mean I do have alot on my plate already with the art and such, not to metion keeping a balance of schoolwork and friends and extra time on the weekends to do fun stuff, but it would be pretty cool to write a movie directed my Steven Spielberg at age 14 right?
Yeah. I'm right(:
Anyways, I'm gonna go make some new additions to the screenplay and keep wishing I'll hear some news back!
February 24th, 2009 at 02:42am