NEDAwareness Week

For those who don't know, it's NEDAwareness Week, or National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Just thought I'd put it out there. At least two of friends have dealt with an eating disorder, and it's a subject that's close subject to my heart, as corny as it sounds. One of my friends ended up in rehab twice for anorexia nervosa because she thought she was not skinny enough to be an ice skater. The other, who is my best girl friend, went through bulimia when she was 13 until I and our other friend confronted her. Thank whatever higher power there may be that they are okay today, but it shocked me to see my friends do that to themselves with their delusional mindsets to go to extremes. There was nothing wrong with their bodies in my eyes, but apparently they thought differently. It's not something to take lightly as much as people joke, like "We're eating like fatasses *laughs*" because it really can affect others. Be a friend for those who need help, especially those who deny that they have a problem at all. I probably sound like one of those people preaching about the "problems of adolescents today" and whatnot, but I felt like I should say something and share these bits of information.

February 24th, 2009 at 04:19am