I'm really good at procrastinating, so..

Hi there.

let's list my homework for tonight, shall we?
- write a letter in chinese
- read a chapter of "Night" for honors english
- do pointless history homework
- three science questions, even though Woro never checks his homework.
- music theory homework that I never do anyway
- math homework that I did half of.

Wow, fuck that.
I don't feel like doing anything, I don't feel good. I think it's just my anxieties coming over me, something I've given up on trying to fix. Failure's my middle name boys and girls.

I'm feeling quite cynical, cynical to the point that it almost sounds sarcastic. Maybe I'm going crazy. Oh how I wish that was the answer.

My parents keep screaming at each other, it's pissing me off. But, what else is new?

I'm so confused, I'm ready to live in my stories again, I hate it, I'm scared.

Why blab here about it, I'm not sure.

Maybe I'll just stay home tomorrow and sleep.

Maybe I'll just sleep forever.
Oh how nice that would be.

[I don't believe I have to write this but if anyone tells me to suck it up or get over it, please direct your attention to my mibba account, so I can tell you all about my lovely life and how much 'sucking up' I really need to do eachday (: ]

Ugh, sorry I'm so mean today.
venting = good.
February 24th, 2009 at 04:25am