
So for English class we had to write a farewell to a friend. It really got me thinking about what would flash through my mind if my best friend was here one day and gone the next. What would I want to say, how I feel...
Anyway when she read this she cried:

My best friend,
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I never told you how much you mean to me. I’m sorry I never told you to follow your dreams. I’m sorry I never told you what was on my mind. I’m sorry that I wasn’t a better influence. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better person, a better friend, and a better listener. I hope that in someway, wherever you are, you can feel what I am feeling right now. But no matter where you are, no matter how you feel about me, never forget that no matter what, I still care about you. You were really the only true friend I ever had. The only person I honestly cared about. The only person that could make me really, truly smile. The only person that ever made my day. You kept me from going crazy in those bad times, and kept me grounded during the good. You kept my reality from slipping away.
Friendship lasts longer than life. I’ll remember that, and maybe I’ll see you again someday. On the other side. I hope you have no regrets, no sadness, and no pain. I hope you found what you had been searching for. I hope you are happier than you ever were in this life. Although, you may never hear my voice again, and I may never hear yours, I hope I live in your memory. Because I know you will never leave mine.
I remember asking myself, why now, and for what purpose? I hope I find those answers. But what I do know is that you were in my life for a reason. You made my life better, and I can only hope I did the same for you. I feel like now is almost too late for these words. You can’t hear me, you might not even exist anymore. But you might. So I want you to know that I love you, and I miss you.
Forever and always,
Your best friend
February 24th, 2009 at 05:12am