LMFAO @ Robert Pat...yeah.

That dude from TW!LIGHTT the movie was in the shot of Mickey Rourke last night at the Oscars. The whole way through I was yelling "HEYYYYYY ROBERT PATINSON!" in my crappy imitation-Penelope Cruz-except-a-man accent. Then I was enraged by my brother's friend and his older sister spouting homophobic sh*t all the way through Sean Penn's acceptance speech for the Best Actor Oscar in Milk. I mean seriously. The kid is a twat, so it's not like I expect anything more from him, but his sister is like 23. A little maturity would be nice.

My mom's being a jerkface. She wouldn't drop me at the library because it's literally about thirty seconds out of her way. I didn't even really want to go to the library, but I needed a new lighter. Not like I could say that to her. Well fine. I guess I will go on lighting my fags with matches and being a bushfire threat :/

Tomorrow night will be fun. I'm going out with my friend for her birthday. She's having dinner with a bunch of her friends from school who I haven't met yet and I borrowed this amazing dress from another friend that really reminds me of Edie Sedgewick. It's short with long sleeves, and has red and dark grey horizontal stripes. Ima do my hair in a beehive. Go me.


(Could you tell?)
February 24th, 2009 at 05:21am