*Knocking sound from under the bleachers* Come on guys, seriously don't leave me down here...

Today was a pretty good day... not as bleh-ness as most of this week has been...

First thing today was track and it went well we didn't have to run anything (I'm a shot putter). Because we have a meet tomorrow. But, my throws were getting a lot better but the coach never saw them :( and when he did look to see if I was doing good I threw horrible. I mean the ball curved so far into the left it hit the concrete, I mean I screamed it was so bad. But, oh well.

First period is spanish and I hate that class, I mean its boring as hell, and yesterday the teacher called me a dictator because I didn't want to sit in my seat... which makes no sense. But, we had a tornado drill near the end which took, like 10 whole minutes out of the whole class. :D

Second period was the absolute high-light of the day. We were in PE and doing the sit-ups fitness test and after my group of friends and I were done we just sat in the bleachers and since our bleachers aren't the kind that can fold, you can go under them. So we found a spot in the bleachers where the foot part could come out, and my friend Nicole and I were dared to go under. Nicole went first but the coach got suspicious and started walking over. So we put the cover over the hole and left Nicole under there but coach wouldn't leave. Then all of a sudden you hear this faint knocking coming from bleachers and you hear nicole go "Come on guys, seriously don't leave me down here" the coach stood right over the hole so went Nicole popped out he scared the living piss out of her... It was hilarious.

Nicole didn't get in trouble though because it was her. You see, if I were to do it i'd probably get like ISS or something (Even though it would be completely worth it!) and probably a talk from the coaches wondering if I'm disturbed or something. But like I said it would be worth it because Nicole found money down there. And i'll finally find out if there is a dead body under there.

The rest of the day was kinda bleh..
February 26th, 2009 at 12:10am