Best Friends, Ex-Friends til the End.

So yesterday had to be one of the most...interesting days I've encountered so far at my new school. I've been here for about two and half weeks I'm not completely sure but I know it hasn't been long enough to make friends much less any kind of commitments. So I was completely shocked when this girl I had just started talking to asked me out. I mean, I'm not even attracted to females. I have nothing against LGBT's (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) but it just caught me way off guard.

It basically was like this, so we were in the elevator on our way to fourth period Newspaper. She gets to use the elevator since she's on disability and I got to use simply because I was wit her. I was talking about how much I loved Eminem's new song Crack a Bottle and whatnot then out of nowhere she goes, "Would you be willing to try dating a girl?". I was assuming she was just going to come out and tell me she's bisexual even though I already knew because some kinds had already told me. "Um...I uh," was my reply. "Well?" she pushed. I didn't want her to think that I like detested her kind so I tried to be nice, "If a girl was like really hot I guess and she would have to like... I dunno. I guess, well no probably not." I second guessed myself. The elevator finally dinged and I practically dashed off. She had to go to the Health office and I ran to Newspaper. As soon as I got inside I went up to my friends J and S telling them all about that awkward conversation on the bus. S told me she tried to hook up with her to before I transferred to that school and J just laughed because somehow he found it oh so amusing.

So she comes to class, I barely even talk to her and then class ended. We walked to lunch with each other and she randomly spoke up, "So about what we were talking about in the elevator...". "WHAT?! I don't-huh?" I tried to play dumb. "You know what we were talking about." "Oh yeah well uh probably not because I don't like chicks so uh no." I finally just admitted the truth. "Oh." her spirits seemed crushed while she mumbled obscenities to herself. I couldn't help but feel bad but what was I supposed to do?! I don't like girls so I wasn't going to lie. "Yeah I was kind of know, asking you out." she said. "I figured." I nodded. (After talking to J and S during fourth I had come up to that conclusion.) "Well sorry I can't help that I'm straight-" "GOD! I fucked up!" she abruptly blurted out.

The rest of lunch was her apologizing and me just nodding say yeah it's okay. I can't really stand being around her anymore which is pretty hard because she's in my third and fourth periods. I've taken to hanging out with S and her friends, they took me in real quick. I really like hanging out with them but I can't help but feel bad for the girl I rejected. I mean, I couldn't say yes, but I felt bad saying no. Geez, I have no way out of this... If you've actually read this whole thing I commend you on it. Any kind advice would be helpful. (:

EDIT; Thank to those who've PM'ed me. You've really helped alot.
February 26th, 2009 at 01:22am