A 2nd grader vs. Three!! 8th graders

During School something embrassingly happened. It was horrifying for me and embrassing for my 3 friends. Okay, It all started when my friend and I were building snowman. It was a a medium sized snowman. My friend and I went to go find some sticks. It took us awhile to find some sticks, until we found some. We headed back to our snowman, Then we seen these six 2nd graders. We told them to get out of our snowman buliding territory. Guess What? They Refused. 2 of my guy friends came walking towards us, to see what we were doing. They wanted to help us to get them out of our way. So Whalyn and Travis told them if they didn't get out of the snowman building territory, something bad was going to happen. All five of the 2nd graders ran away, except for one, Kennedy. She was the tiniest of them all, and the other thing was, she was a girl.Whalyn told nicely to go. Kennedy Punched Him. Travis tried pushing her, Kennedy Kicked Him. Makayla tried Guiding her away, Kennedy Pushed her down. Then it all happened. CHAOS!!! I was recording the whole thing trying not to get hit. When it was over. Guess Who Won?

Kennedy Won.

My friends were in the office getting ice packs.
February 26th, 2009 at 04:35am