Life is a Story

And that is the truth. Life is one very big, long story. Ever heard the term "life story"? Every single person, animal, plan, home, and even piece of furniture has a story to tell. Every business has a story to tell, every country has a story to tell, every website has a story to tell, every creation has a story to tell, everything in the whole of existence has a story to tell. The srars have a story to tell, Earth has a story to tell, and therefore life is a big, long, endless story. Each con has a story to tell, such as when they were made, by whom, and how far have they come in their inanimate life. All atoms of reality and existence have a story to tell, EVERYTHING has a story to tell. No matter what it is, every single thing that exists (and even those that don't) have a story to tell. As for the infinity number of stories of existence, every single story coincides with another in the world. When two people simply cross paths or see each other from a distance, their stories have coincided for a brief moment. All stories coincide with each other, and they always have and always will, even if there is time when time itself will stop being and only darkness will be left. I am confused on the fact as to whether darkness itself has a story... but it does in a way: it scares little kids, confuses some people, makes others happy, and that is the story of darkness itself. Darkness is just there and always has been, that is its story. Infinity stories for all of time and existence, how they clash and coincide in the most deep, endless way...

On this subject, I might talk about the meaning of infinity, darkness itself, time, and this whole end-of-time thing that people sometimes bring up.

Forever hidden infinty of blissful darkness...
February 26th, 2009 at 07:03am