Twilight. I'm a Hater.

My heart drops whenever anyone mentions this. It drives me insane!

Before I begin my rant, I will admit, I have not read the book, nor watched the film, but as I go on, I'll explain why.

I've been reading some articles about this and I was sickened by what I read. Girls throwing acid over haters? Thats pathetic. It's called freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to it. I sit here and accept it when everyone claims Mr Cullen in God, so you can put up with me ranting.

Another article I read was about how the Twilight series appear to make women look helpless and shallow. I have to agree. All the things I've seen relating to Twilight have been incredibly shallow and stupid. For example, stupid pictures about being Team Edward, sprinkling their boyfriends with glitter, 'I cut myself in front of jasper for fun' etc. It's twisted. It's becoming a cult, and a very scary one.

The reason I haven't seen teh film is because EVERYONE is obsessed with it. I would happily read the books, but as soon as I got to pick it up, everyone screams that I must be a twilight lover and know the story backwards. I don't, and now don't intend to read it. Maybe if someone creates a good enough argument for me to try it, I will. But from I understand, the writing isn't that great anyway.

Twilight is suposedly a story about vampires, no? I'm sorry, but since when to vampires sparkle? Vampires don't fall in love, they want to kill you. They want your blood. They don't drive either.

Now this is probably going to be the one that goets me into most trouble. This is purely my own opinion, but he really isn't that hott. No one took any notice of him in Harry Potter. He's maybe a little bit interesting, but I don't get this obession with his looks.

I look forward to having a mature argument with some people, but if you comment saying 'OMGG you suk hes like well buff shut up' I'll just ignore.

February 26th, 2009 at 10:05pm