February 26; Stressed out and confused.

Hey everyone.
I just figured I update you guys on what's been going on in my life, and why the updates are taking so long to get out.
Well at the moment I'm sick and I don't really feel in the mood to do anyting these days.
I have to read 2 books in the next 4 days for english festival.
School is taking over my life because my grades are slipping so bad. I'm a moron and have been going out on school nights to see my boyfriend when I should have been home studying. I hate myself for letting things get so out of hand.
Plus I'm taking the SAT's in like two weeks so that's just another thing to study for these days.
And softball is going to become a big burden soon. I have it Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week and the season hasn't even started yet.
Between all that and making time to see my friends I have like no time to write whatsoever.
I just finished writing Chapter 84 a few hours ago and I hope to have that out tomorrow sometime.
I'm pretty sure I'm just relaxing at home tomorrow since I really don't feel well enough to go out so I'll hopefully have more time to write, because I really want to get this story over with.

I wish I was at the attack attack! concert with Matt right now, but since I'm sick I'm stuck here at my house, studying and myspacing it up. It's not that bad actually. I just wish I could see him. We been dating for about a month now :). Woot! Hopefully this one will last longer then the others.

I don't really have much planned out for when HCAJTEO ends, just a few chapters of another story and a couple one-shots but neither of those will be out until wayyyy in 2009.
I do know that once it's finished I'm going to be going through and editing ALL of the chapters, even the ones I previously edited. I just feel I can do soo much better. There will be quiet a few changes in them so if you want to take the time and read them when there done, be my guest. I'll have an update on my homepage when I update certain chapters so you guys will be informed if you do want to read them. :) But this isn't for a while now; depends on when I get the story finished.

But anyway, I'm off to study for SATs and hopefully get moving on this lame ass book that I'm reading. You guys should def hit me up on here, or myspace


Text the cell :)
I'll talk to anyone.

I'm don't bite, so text! :)<3

February 27th, 2009 at 01:41am