bahhhhh my life

yah so im in my english class...well kinda i left the class and went to the content mastery room. im bored and i get to leave school in 5 min. it is 1:33 pm in south texas at the moment. when i go home i have to get ready for wk....yah i gota job. actualy i have 2 jobs and go to shcool.

i have a 33 in english and its only gunna get worse. fuckin a i dnt wana do the work tho.
i got a 70 in theatre arts cus he wants me to do a part in the variety show but i dont wana. me and cj and beans did a mime act and he gave us a 70. he is a dick face. what to say?

i got a migrane and i have been reading sum good stories...i quit wrighting cus no one ever looked at it or even read it. i got one comment and no subscribers....this wrighting business is least for me it is. that annd iv got tones of stories writtten they are all just on paper...and im not so shur hwo everyone does the posting. everytime i post it looks alike crap. and i dont know how
to make my profile page coool
and i dont have anyfriends on here....ooops i gtg im outa shcool...

February 27th, 2009 at 08:38pm