I'm Getting Snakebites Tomorrow ^_^

...And I'm so excited. :D

I all ready have one side done, but I'm going for the final installment (hahaha) tomorrow. Thought I'd tell you all. Hmm, I don't suppose the second piercing hurts more than the first for some weird reason, does it? Mind you, the first one didn't hurt at all.

I just got back from babysitting and am now watching Halloween H20 in an empty house in the dark. Gulp, I'm crapping my pants. Even though I've seen it like a hundred times before.

Is there anyone else here that loves the Halloween films? :D Cos I've never met like a huge Halloween fan before. Then again, I am rather strange.

The cat's asleep next to me and she's squashing my leg. Thought you might like to know that piece of very handy information.

Ah, I'm such an idiot.
February 28th, 2009 at 01:32am