A Green Day?

Coming March 25th... something.
Posted Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 7:29am

Director John Roecker posted this status on Facebook a couple days ago excited about March 25th! Going to be a very Green Day. Confirmed.

And yesterday the Idiot Club posted "If you live in the Los Angeles area, keep March 25th free."

Without anywhere to point to for more details, we believe this will be the date for a screening of the documentary "Heart Like a Hand Grenade" which is the making of American Idiot. We can only hope this means that a full DVD release will come later this year.

Alright, too much assuming for one day. All we know is that something related to Green Day is happening March 25th in Los Angeles and John Roecker is involved. Hopefully more details to come.
Rumors have been going around saying that the Director John Roecker has something planned on March 25th, and Green Day's name is included in that. So if you're cusious and want to know what's up, then keep checking GDA, GSB, GreenDay.com, or my journal entries for more news later on.

February 28th, 2009 at 02:50am