You think I have a crush on you? Dream on, no offence.

This isn't something about to be filled with the 'oh my gosh i'm in love' kind of thing, don't worry lol.

I just really needed to say that I am SO over the whole thing.
I fail to see the point in bfs and gfs right now. But this doesn't mean that I'm against ittt!!!
If I see people together, I WILL go 'awwww that's so sweet' because it is! So if we turn this around.. I guess what i'm saying is that, Just because I aww at every cute couple does NOT mean that I'm this 'tragic chick who no one wants'

Why do people always have to get the wrong freaking idea??
This will sound like a very very confusing journal, and it won't make sense but i'm going to go ahead and say it anyway.

I don't date anymore
but that doesn't mean I have to be all depressed just so people can go 'i told you so'
It also does not mean that I'm lesbo.
Or that the last guy scared me off.
It doesn't make me a tragic basket case either. Well it SHOULDNT.

So anyway, this just occured to me when school FINALLY started, and I was experimenting with making new friends as it's the new year and all.... So like the one class where i'm completely isolated from one of my besties is Geography. Being the optimistic person I am, however. I did not groan [well i did, but that was from the heat and having to climb up the stairs to get to the class]
My point is, I was ready to embrace geo with open arms. I was ready to embrace this challenge of studying this 'alien' course, with all these 'alien' classmates.

Not that my classmates were ugly. My definition of 'alien' is that it's unknown. foreign. not ugly.

Yeah, I was ready to do that, but it did kind of hurt you know, when every single girl decided to sit themselves at least 5 metres away from me. Which therefore leaded to the fact that I was completely surrounded by guys on the first day. 3 in front, 1 on my right, 3 behind. and on my left.... a wall. Fun.
Not that there's anything wrong with guys, but they were just... really WEIRD.
that was the first day.

The second day, the guy on my right took my seat. idk why... it didnt' really bother me, but yeah. then one of the guys in front commented on my logo. [mum bleached it by accident and therefore pink-ified it]
I believe his exact words were "that's so cool!"
and he was extending a finger to touch it. Which I would definitely not appreciate. So I got my stuff and moved.

Is that so bad?
I moved next to another guy [because guys seem to really like geography] and cuz there were no other spaces next to the girls. who all kind of stared at me quite evilly. or maybe it was jsut me.
I sat next to this guy.
Not because he was new,
Not because he was unbelieveably intelligent,
Not because he seemed well mannered and friendly,
or even because he was good looking.
I sat next to him because he was the only person I kind of knew in the class.
A friend's friend.

His first impression of me? A freak.

But well.. I managed a quick 'Hey, i'm so and so's friend, how're you enjoying [enter school here]?'
to which his reply was
'oh.. i see. um it's quite. big'
and the rest of the lesson for the next few days were completely S-I-L-E=N-T

it was horrribleee.
He was not very happy. like. at. all.
and all the other seats were taken. uhghghghg

If i'd known better, I sohuld have jsut slapped that guy who commented on my logo in the face and tell him to keep his hands to himself.


Because now everyone thinks that I'm hitting on this new guy.
omg. ewwwww

Poor guy.

Below is a conversation which might be interesting:
1: omg you were flirting with him!
2: um. I so wasn't
1: don't lie! you were!
2: no i wasn't! I don't know how to flirt [NOW THAT was the lie]
1: wtf? everyone knows how to flirt!
2: well even if i did, how could i? we don't even talk to each other!

how do you flirt silently? body gestures, I know. but I so was not doing that.



not that there's anything wrong with him. he's perfectly fine, but just not. my. freaking. type.

why is it so easy for people to get the wrong idea?
February 28th, 2009 at 07:11am