what the ***?

first of all, thx for welcoming me to mibba.(:
second... what the fuck?

last night, i went to my friend dayse's sweet16, which ended at one. my mom came at 11.30.

in the car, she's all apoplogizing and stuff and i'm like "yeah w.e"... so i get home at 12, and fall right asleep. she barges into the room at 8, screaming, and i'm thinking i did something wrong. turns out she's pissed and wants no one sleeping until 10 anymore.

yasee... 10 is still ode early for saturday. she wants us up at 8 now.
i wake up everyday at 5 for school, and i finish my homework at about 4. i'm not exactly healty in a way you'd prolly not care in knowing, but it makes me very tired sometimes. i was at a sweet16, given not that late, and i was moving around alot, and those three together make me very tired. plus, i'm a little hung over.

i want to sleep.
what the fuck?

i am totally not looking foward to my sweet16. i don't want one. my mom fucking forced me to have one. she's fucking weird yo. andd i ican't hang out with any friends or my boyfriend or nothing cuz we're going somewhere stupid to see a play i quite enjoyed at the age of 5.

-sigh- fml.
February 28th, 2009 at 02:22pm