Growing up

Yesterday I realized how much pressure is thrust upon the younger generation to grow up and be 'mature'. I was sitting in the classroom and the teacher kept on telling us to grow up. However, we aren't grown up yet so why do they tell us to act like adults when were still children? We have our problems too and they don't realize that. We don't have the chance too still act like children in this overwhelming world.
I found out recently that if you even mention death at our school you get sent to the counselors office. This pressure they put on us drives us to do things they can't even imagine. There are some kids they walk past who hastily pull down sleeves others who's bandages cover their arm and many more who've been beaten and abused by their parents. My dad used too beat me and my sister till my mom kicked him out. One of my best friends cuts herself because she doesn't know how else too deal with the pain. Too many of my friends have scars covering their hearts. Still the adults around us keep on putting presssure till we will eventually crack and fall apart. It would be a word to the adults of this world that they need to pay attention to their children.
February 28th, 2009 at 06:28pm