Life Is Good And So Are True Friends

Life is really good at the moment. My drama is finally done with, and I'm really thankfully for having really great friends who support me by any means.There was much I told you so's in the end but also much love. I became blinded by a friendship that in the end was poison, I'm not putting all the blame on the person, I'm also a guilty party. I'm just happy I have the support system I have. I have a awesome group of friends, great teachers who are really giving me a break, which they totally don't have to. I'm grateful for the fact that even though I neglected a lot of ppl these past few months, that they understand and forgive me for it.

My main advice to everyone out there is that, Don't let a new friendship get in the way of the ones you already had. Because as you get older your group of friends get smaller and you don't want the reason why lost some many ppl who really mattered was because you were caught up on the latest thing. I'm not saying don't make new friends cause for sure there are a lot of good ppl out there. Just don't forget about the ones you already have, the ones you helped you through the worst of times, the ones who laughed with you during the best of times, and the ones who just looked at you like you were crazy but would bust you laughing with you anyhow.

True Friends are the ones who do anything to make you laugh or smile. True friends are the ones who will tell you upfront what they think, yes they know it will hurt you, but they also have the reasoning that you will hopefully see what they are really trying to say. That they love and don't want you to get hurt. True Friends will keep you rooted to the ground and not let you get over consumed with any bad emotion. True friends are the ones who pick the phone at 2 am while dreaming the best dream of their lives, just calm you down. True friends are the ones who will come to you defense and not just sit in the backround. Most importanly True friends are the ones who in 50 yrs are the ones who will say "Remeber that one time....".

I'm ramabling I know but I felt this was important and I really needed to get it out cause it's what I really feel.

One last thing,I finally kicked the habit of being a hermit and I decided my life isn't on my computer, yes I love the net and all it's splendor, but there is a world out there and I'm not gonna live my life regretting the fact that I never fully enjoyed it. So with that being said, if your reading this and you can't remeber the last you went outside just becasue you wanted to, not because your parents made you or you had to go school, but because you wanted to go outside and just hang around. Go for a walk or go to the park on the swings. Do it by yourself or with your friends. Just get out there and do something.

Life is not defined by a computer or your room. Yes the computer is an awesome invention but it was not created so ppl, would sit on it and not do anything else. All I'm trying to say is T.V, the Computer and all those other things are really cool, but think about the future, What do you want to tell you kids about your younger life. That you spent all your time on the computer or that time You and your friends jumped off the pier or that time you scared the norms outta their minds. Remeber life is about balance. So balance Virtural Reality with Reality.

With all that being said I bid you adieu.
February 28th, 2009 at 07:22pm