People and their Sicknesses

Dear Journal and People who read it,

People can be sick. Well there are different kinds of sicknesses. Like right now, i am home with the flu. YAY!!! no, not really. It's been going around my school and i have already gotten it and now its my second time to have it.

Another type of sickness is addiction. I have seen my good friend drift farther and farther into the clutches of his addiction. he used to be a smart, hardworking, driven person. now he doesnt care, about anything. he doesnt date, he doesnt do homework, he doesnt care if he gets detention or a saturday or even suspended. i have tried to talk sense into him and he says he is trying to stop it but i know he is lying. he lies about everything these days. i dont know how to save my friend and it is killing me. he tried to commit suicide a few months ago and i am afraid that he will again. it took us a few months to convince him that he deserves to live. now the pressures of high school and his new friends are dragging him farther and farther away from the person he used to be.

he needs help but he wont listen to me and his dad doesnt care. he sleeps around and i'm afraid to see him become a fifteen year old dad. i want to help him, i just dont know how.
February 28th, 2009 at 11:04pm