Rant o2 : Sappy, shitty vampire love stories.

I'm not gonna lie ; some vampire love stories are really good. But most that I have seen lately are so fuckin unrealistic. Like just BULLSHIT. Yes,I understand that they are fan fictions, not suppose to be real,blah blah fuckin blah. But honestly,add a little originality.

Common themes :

The Abusive mother/father/sibling

Emotionally unstable/ lonely emo girl

Deserving kidnapping ( little girls should walk alone at night people,abused or not )

Slave, then princess in a smack of a second

The special ancestral gift that she uses to defeat vampire lover's enemy of some sort

I guess, I'm just ranting on some common fad that will be gone in a moth or so. But jesus, please change up the story line. Maybe she died by a evil butterfly attack or vampire prince got stabbed in A war and the girl dies too. Or just SOMETHING DIFFERENT !!!!!

Idk,why my suggestions are so dark. {lawl}

But yeah, originality counts.
March 1st, 2009 at 01:09am