I Think I Have Mono phobia. I Feel Like A Freak.

Mono phobia is an acute fear of being alone and having to cope without a specific person, or perhaps any person, in close proximity. This 'closeness' might mean in the same house or flat or even in the same room. Anxiety Care has encountered mono phobics who cannot use the lavatory without another person being in the room with them.

Mono phobia is often seen as part of the agoraphobic cluster. According to research, there are no particular personality differences between agoraphobics and members of the general population. 'Fear of fear' (fear of a panic attack) seems to be a component of the agoraphobia (and a major part of mono phobia), but there are many other factors that lead to the avoidance central to the disorder and not all agoraphobics experience panic attacks. People with agoraphobia typically suffer from a 'cluster' of phobias as mentioned and Mono phobia may be one. Generally agoraphobics will find it very difficult or impossible to carry out certain activities. These could be going into crowded or public places, lifts, public transport or simply anywhere away from home where 'escape' or immediate access to help is not possible. They will probably also fear standing in queues, going on bridges or sitting in any place where they feel 'trapped', such as at a hairdresser's or dentists. A companion for outings is often sought and rapidly becomes essential. There can also be additional fears, predominantly 'social' ones such as a fear of blushing, trembling, talking eating or writing in front of people and of being stared at. (These latter fears can also be part of social phobia or separate specific phobias and don't necessarily mean that someone suffering in this way is agoraphobic or mono phobic.) There may also be obsessional and depressive symptoms. If the person becoming agoraphobic was significantly depressed before onset, which is more common when the problem appears later in life, this could be the disorder that is treated first.

It can be seen from this that agoraphobia tends to reduce self-confidence and the belief that activities can be carried out alone. It can be a short step from here to a belief that being alone at all is not safe. A person suffering from Panic Disorder might also believe that he or she will die or collapse or do something terrible when panic strikes and this too might make having a trustworthy person present seem as if it is essential, so leading to mono phobia. Some people with social difficulties might also believe that a trustworthy companion is vital before they enter social situations. And children or young adults suffering from Separation Anxiety have also discussed feeling very isolated and alone at times and experiencing the need to have a parent or trusted companion present before undertaking activities. However, in the latter case, the focus is usually on one specific person (a parent) and being alone for short periods is usually not mentioned as a major problem. However, when it is, mono phobia might be considered as part of the problem.

I feel like a freak. Fear of being alone? Who would want a girl like that... Ugh...
March 1st, 2009 at 05:42pm