From Hope,

Jen-NAY! =]

So if you are reading this, I must have finished my course. I spent like 10 minutes re-writing this and if you were able to see the paper I wrote it on you'd see the crossings out. But you probably won't, Emma will probably mail it to you on mibba or something cause it's more practical.

So I left you a comment and that was about you as an author, well I wanted to leave you with a letter or email as such that gave you a piece of what I thought of you as a person.

Where to start? Hmm, lets start back at Day one. Your first comment given to me on my profile page; I left you a comment telling you how much I liked your writing and immediately the next day I got one on my comment page saying a simple 'thank you'. That was the beginning. And here we are two months later. I guess I didn't talk to you much probably only for under a month and you know what? It doesn't matter. From those small comments about you either descrbing your favourite music and colour, I learned a lot. You were sweet and easy going, so it was easy enough to get to know you.

And here I am; in a position I never thought would come. I guess fate had other plans. We never got to meet, but it doesn't matter when I'm through with this I'll be seeing you a lot more often. Wherever you go or end up.

Jenny I think you are one of the nicest, caring people I've 'met' in my life and I wish nothing but hapiness upon you, you want to know why? You fully desrve everything great you get. I hope to see you marrying the man of your dreams (whoever he may be) and having little kids running around you and driving you crazy. I'll be there by the sidelines. Always.

It doesn't matter how long you know people; for once the bond of true friendship is made it is unbreakable.

Jenny it was an honour to have know you and an even bigger honour to call you my friend and do me a favour hun, look after Emma for me.

God bless you hun, you and everybody you care for.

She's the girl who'll jump up and down for 20 minutes for know apparent reason and her accent is probably the sexiest thing you've ever heard. She is Hope. ;]
I never really realized how much you grow to like the people on this website. This isn't my work. It's all from Hope, or Rainy City Love. This was the most beautiful thing I have ever read, and even though I've never met her, Hope affected me in a way that will truly last a life time. Thank you Emma for sending this to me after Hope passed away...
March 1st, 2009 at 05:43pm