Opposite Gender Day and Disney Adaptions.

There should be one.


There should be a day where everyone just switches places and acts like the other gender, so they can see what it's like to be a girl or a guy. I think it would be fun and interesting.

I'm not saying I want this to actually happen because convincing a bunch of people to go around in drag would be quite difficult (especially those pesky few men), but I just think it would be a cool idea in theory.

I watched Hunchback of Notre Dame again Friday. Yeah, I've read the book and the Disney version is drastically different from it, but I can't help loving it. My brother and I both think Hellfire is one of the best songs of all time.

Still, that story was one of the weirdest things to apply to a children's movies. Corruption in the Catholic Church, hanging, and filthy Middle Ages people? So strange.

I think Disney's next cartoon movie should be Rebel Without a Cause. I don't know why, but seeing an animated James Dean hand his jacket to an equally cartooned Sal Mineo would just brighten my days. Then again, parents would protest, "HOMOSEXUALITY POISONING OUR BAYBAY'S MINDS?!? DIE DISNEY!" So Disney would have to make Plato a freaking chipmunk or something and heighten Jim's romance with Judy to the max, which would kill it.

Sorry about the babbling.
March 1st, 2009 at 08:10pm