:D Family/People [vent?]

I'm writing more of my story, though not many people are reading it I still like putting it out there.
It's 11.10pm and I am shattered but I had some ideas of what could happen next :D

I was thinking today about my life, random for me but still, and i was thinking about my family...

A lot of our family have had rather large happenings in our lives. I mean life changing things.
But no matter what they've picked themselves up and worked on things to make their own life or their kids lives better.

I have a wonderful boyfriend. A lovely set of friends. A slightly weird immediate family. And mostly people around me that care. I look at other people and I realize that everything that they're saying is an outright lie, I have witnessed the love their families show them, they're intelligent and beautiful. Though no matter how you tell them or how much? They still don't understand that they are good people. Attention seeking or not as the case may be.

I forgive, I forget. So do the people I hold dear.

Health, this is an issue that affects us all. My mother for one is not in brilliant health, neither are a few members of my family, and it isn't their fault. But because we support each other it becomes almost bearable! I still care about people that betrayed me, made my life hell for 3 years... Why can't the rest of the world be like that!

Because people are greedy, and selfish.

Care, listen, understand one another.
For pity's sake just respect each other. Then things might get better.

It was lovely to vent to you this time of night, talk soon ^^ xxx
March 2nd, 2009 at 12:20am