Post Secret amazes me every week

Lately, ive been understanding how post secret really works. how strange it is when you see someones secret and you understand a part of your life.
Someone who could be anywhere in the whole world. Something happened to them, something thats so similar to a past experience of your own. And they chose that one secret to send to this one site during this one week. And i saw it.

2 weeks in a row, two different post cards from two different people, made me cry.
the first one said,
"If i could talk to my 8 year old self again,
I would say that everythings going to be alright.
It took me (x amount) of years to forgive myself."
or something like that.

when i saw it, it reminded me so much of my mother. who, just 2 weeks ago, shared something so disturbing with me from her past. something that happened to her in the years before her 10th birthday. so i printed it out and gave it to her.
it actually took me a couple hours to work up the courage to give it to her, but when she got it, she cried. and said thank you. im not sure she understood everything about postsecret but i hope she understood what im talking about now.

and today, i checked the site for the new posts.
"My stepfather sexually abused me when i was 16
And i dont hate him anymore."

i didnt print that one out for my mother but i almost cried. because i realized. we really are connected. with people so far away or so close to us and we dont even know. and i finally saw that in a way i never thought i would. a website my friend told me about at school. an introduction to it that i didnt understand at all at first. we are connected. i am not the first person to deal with my problems. im not. through these anonymous secrets that people post online, they show me that. they show me, that yes, it does hurt. and this is how i feel now. they show me a part of their life. the part where they share my secrets and the part where they learned from it.

post secret really is a beautiful thing.
March 2nd, 2009 at 08:06am