Hello Mibba Community!!

Hello everyone! It's day one of being here on Mibba and I can honestly say "I'm loving it!" No doubt about it, I'm so glad I decided to look into it today. I'm coming from Quizilla and am super impressed by how this site is run. Definitely not what I was expecting upon clicking th link sent to my message box today. But, I'm do glad that things worked for the better.

So as it is still the first day on this site, I'm still attempting to figure everything out but I'm sure I'll get a hang of everything soon. Tips and advice are ALWAYS welcome, I promise to take whatever you say to heart. I hope you read some of my stories. I generally write short one-shots. But, I don't know. Maybe I'll be inspired one of these days. Anyways, thanks for all the help I've been given already! I already feel quite at home here. Hit me up whenever, I'll gladly talk to someone who knows what they're doing her.

Hope you all are having a great day!
March 2nd, 2009 at 08:09am