Coolie and other past phrases!

When I was younger I used to make a lot of lists. I was recently going through my stuff and I found an old diary. It had a list of who I thought was hot at the moment.

Hollywood Hotties:
Elijah Wood.
Billie Joe Armstrong.
Ian Summerhalder (sp?)
Ryan Cabera.
Jesse McCartney.
Nick Lachey.

As you can see my interests varried by rockers to hobits and everything inbetween.

Another list was a secret language.

Cugly (common) - Cute and ugly.
Wugy (uncommon) - Weird and ugly.
Hugly (uncommon) - Hot and ugly.
Mugly (common) - Mama boy ugly.

So the list goes on, but it doesn't make much sense. How could someone be ugly and cute at the same time? Ha, my fifth grade brain was a little wacked up. I can't wait until I show Katie this later!

I remember when I used to be into song writing and I would just sit down making a list of songs to write. Looking back at them they weren't even that bad. I even think me and Katie started a band?

Does anyone remember the show Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel? Well, the hot dude, Eithan I think, always would say "Coolie." That phrase used to be so popular . . .

Oh boy. Where do I even begin with names. I remember during indoor recess me, Katie, and a few others would just sit making up names for our children and places we'd like to travel. I swore to myself my love connection with Joey Armstrong would bring us together someday.

Greetings from a very coolie chick,

*Please note this diary is from 2005.
March 3rd, 2009 at 10:45pm