
I had my second maths exam today.
Math's paper 2. :(

Calculator, but it was the hardest fucking test i've ever taken

I sat there, and 5 mins into the test i actually started crying because I didn't understand it, :(
My math teacher is constantly nagging me that I don't have enough confidence :|
I actually cried because i didn't understand the questions.

There was one that was like 'why is this boys statement wrong'


so i just wrote that i don't understand.
It was really annoying, there was one question about steps and it wasn't even related to maths :|

I'm 100% sure I failed. I hate maths with a thriving passion. I can't wait until i don't have to take it in college. :|

today ended on a bad note
March 4th, 2009 at 10:10pm