So I ended up crying during my government class

I was so mad!
So here's what happend. I had a english assingment for the book we were reading called The Stranger. We had to make a fake trial like the one in the book and act it out.
So I was made bailiff. I dont do anything besides type the final draft of the script.
What ended up happening was I became the leader of my group
- I assigned the characters to the other people in my group.
-I started the rough draft of the script on the 2nd day
-then I typed the script that night and made eight copies
-highlighted each one with the character the person had and gave it to them

It wasnt hard because if you read that book you would understand it. Its so straight forward. It didnt take me long to write. My group was happy and relived that I did so much. The other 3 groups didnt have anything that day and we started the trials the next day. The student teacher was the subsitute that day and was impresed that we were done. Then he went to the other groups that we freaking out and told them that if they needed help they can ask our group because we already had our script done. That is when it all went bad. I should have hid the scripts.

One of the groups where 3 of my friends was in didnt want to see it because they would feel like it was copying. There was the other one that read it and I explained it to them how I did it. However the 3rd group had NO SHAME! They took a copy and copied it. It was so obvious. They where hudled over a piece of paper writing like the wind.
My friend actually...not shouted but in a loud voice. "Dont copy it!"
Of course the reply was from a snotty girl "WE'RE NOT COPYING IT!"
Julian(guy in my group): "Dont worry guys will go first and the teacher will know that they copied from us!" He shouted so they could hear.
They got the point and asked me what I did. I thought they were going to write there own. Sadly I was wrong.

March 4th, 5th period english
We did our grammer and then Mrs.Siegel expliand how to do the trials write.
What happend was that I wrote the script wrong at least the first part. I also forgot the ending statements from the prosecuter and the defense attorney.
The good thing was that the group that voulenteerd first was the group that copied my script. The teacher didnt tell us how to do it right until after they voulenteerd.
So they started to panic. And where whispering "but she said to do it like can she be wrong?"
That brought a smirk to my face that I hope they saw.
Why do people assume Im smart? I thought I did it write but I was wrong.

Now heres where I got mad. They didnt change the script AT ALL. It was the same as mine. Everyone in my group knew. Im pretty sure that some people in the other groups knew too. I know val gave me a look.

I was pissed, sad , and for some reason humiliated

The good thing was that they did a horrible job at it. They didnt do anything right. Im pretty sure they had no idea on what they were talking about.

We were going to go next but the bell rang.
I ended up crying in 6th period. Thank god we had a substitute in that class too. I was able to hide my self in my jackect. I couldnt stop tearing until the last 10 minutes of class.
Everyone is telling me I should tell the teacher but Im not going to. If she asks then I'll tell the truth. I have witnesses. A student teacher, my friends, and the rest of the class.

All I have to say now is that they get the grade they deserve for there perfomace.

So yeah...if you want to cheer me up (because Im still kinda mad) with like a hug through the will be greatly appreicated.

Love Alma R
March 5th, 2009 at 02:20am