I want something to read!

I'm looking for something good on here to read, and since I'm having a hard time finding something, I figured I'd ask.

I'm looking for:
-slash; either Gabe Saporta and William Beckett or Patrick Stump and William Beckett. Nothing else please!

-original fiction; anything really, except slash or vampires or a combination of both

-The Academy Is... fan fiction

-Vic Fuentes fan fiction

-Bruce Wayne fan fiction

I am NOT looking for:
-Jonas Brothers fan fiction

-Twilight fan fiction

-Joker fan fiction; I have read too much of that stuff already

-slash; except for the exceptions I have listed above

Got something? If so, leave the URL and a basic description of what the story is about in the journal comments. Or you can PM me. Either way works.

Thank you!
March 5th, 2009 at 07:51pm