Future Story Already Here!

Hey everyone! I apologize for my stupid before journals entries...I was just really bored. But anywho I have terrific news!

I already have an Idea of a new story! I have the name of it, but that shall be kept secret because I don't want anyone stealing my ideas. But I'll tell u anyway! It's called Messages in the Old Oak Tree. It is about a girl who works on a farm in Georgia and has to take care of it, plus her father. Her step-mom is trying her best to make everything better but ends up making everything worse. So one day while the girl is by her favorite tree she sees a bottle inside the hole of the tree and opens it to find the letter is for her from a mystery boy, who turns out to be the other farmer's son next door. So they communicate with eachother, but she doesnt know who it is. So it has a mix of sweet but sadness to it. It sounds crappy now but just wait until i write it! I'm so excited!!
March 5th, 2009 at 10:29pm