Over-protective brothers. What can you do?

So, funny story . A couple day ago, my older brother had some of his friends over and we were hanging out. We're only two years apart, so I know a lot of his friends. Anyways, one of his friends, Brandon, I've had a crush on since, I don't know, elementary school. Something ridiculous like that.

So, he's a HUGE flirt and doesn't exactly have the best of reputations to match that either. Well, we were talking and flirting and somehow, I ended up on his lap in a chair that night. Nothing happened, but I managed to fall asleep on him and he carried me to my room and set me to sleep. Yes, I know, SO SWEET. Anyways, apparently Brandon asked my brother if I had a thing for him yesterday. My brother came home and it was like some kind of interrogation. Apparently, I'm not allowed to like Brandon or anything because my brother "knows things about him because he tells him thing". Apparently, he's a "great friend, but not for my sister."

Apparently, my brother is a JERK. Ugh.
Don't you hate older brothers sometimes?
March 6th, 2009 at 07:20am