choices =P

well idk im new to this site dont know many of ya and well i dont know what else to put up right now so ill put up a little journal about my day today here we go!

ok lets introduce the characters =P some are my friends some used to be my friends and some i trusted.

michael; this would be me haha the magical awsome man-like monster! RAWR~~~~
kennedy; this would be a fool that i used to think was my friend
jamee; this was one of my best friends still is.
kendra; one of the only people i trust
(others) idk...if i think of their names ill tell yall

ok me and my buddy are in pe class or rather on are way and he dosnt know that me and my best friend jamee are still good friends so he tells me how he wants to jump her; jamee has helped me millions of times so i got rly mad at him and told him if he did i would put a end to his life we got into a big fight*i broke two of his ribs on accident* so i went around school and found out who was going to jump <fyi for those who dont know jumping means to us in are school to fight sumone without them expecting a surprise attack>
and it turns out to be kendra.i didnt do anything that day because i was rly confused and i had no clue as to wat to do.(IGNORE TYPOS PLEASE) so the next day i go into school and i decide to talk to kendra i ask her not to fight jamee but i was expecting her to say no and to flipp out on me (she's nvr done it befor but i was expecting it) but to my shock she said she wouldnt because i asked her LOL such a simple reply and such a simple way to end it....less bloodshed (god i hate fighting) but it rly dose go to show that talking is sometime the best way out and that even people who you think you know can surprise you BUT above all else your true friends will listen to you not matter what like kendra did.
March 6th, 2009 at 11:57pm