lost for words

well folks this is my second journal for yall, ill be submiting one a day lol todays topic is Writers Block the dreaded curse that has befallen more for ever. for about lets say..... three months ive had Writers Block the only poems i wrote in that time was the end and the two sides of me,hearts desire was written befor them, anyways ive been stuck for eons~ idk what to write about and even if i did i dont think i have the words to describe it correctly? i thought of something just the other day tho,a muscian brings words from a page to life and creates it in soo much beauty, but us poets on the other hand attempt to not free words from a page but to capture them its almost like a crime,but almost to balance this out are readers are the ones who free it from the page lol.
March 7th, 2009 at 07:02pm